2022 Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Mathematics and Science Awardees

Numerous PIQCians bagged gold, silver and bronze awards in the 2022 Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Mathematics and Science held last November 2022. The contest was organized by the HOTS Educational Innovation Development with the support of Ministry of Education of Malaysia through the Mathematics Development Academy of the Philippines (MATHDAP) and aims to promote analytical and critical thinking in Mathematics among all students.  

Below is the list of our awardees on the said contest.

HOTS – Mathematics 
1. Margaux Laverne Dy (Grade 1 – Charity) 

1. Athena Reine Sy (Grade 1 – Charity) 
2.Jasmine Angela Yu (Grade 7 – Patience) 

1. Martin Elliot Munsayac (Grade 1 – Charity)
2. Larz Jansen Pondales (Grade 3 – Unity) 
3. Micah Ysabelle Uy Sobremonte (Grade 4 – Justice) 
4.Dyas Gregorio (Grade 5 – Honesty) 
5.Kaylee Calderon (Grade 6 – Endurance) 
6. Cleona Penelope Lao (Grade 6 – Endurance) 
7.Sebastian Calderon (Grade 9 – Wisdom) 
8. Andrea Nicole Lim (Grade 9 – Wisdom) 
9. Carmella Tan (Grade 10 – Trustworthiness) 

HOTS – Science 
1. Shawn Louis Alucard Tan (Grade 4 – Justice) 
2. Kazelle Yu (Grade 6 – Endurance) 
3. Cleona Penelope Lao (Grade 6 – Endurance)  

Congratulations, we are all proud of you! 

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