Science Subject Area Parallel Session – Professional Session and Small Group Discussion on Science Investigatory Project

Written by: Mr. Lorence Villacrusis

The faculty members of the Philippine Institute of Quezon City had a parallel session on their respective subject areas on June 16, 2023. The sessions were conducted to foster professional growth and facilitate meaningful discussions among teachers.

The Science Subject Area, headed by Mr. Villacrusis, organized a professional session and small group discussion on the Science Investigatory Project to support the professional development of Science teachers. Mr. Ricardo Crisostomo, the Science Coordinator of Ateneo de Manila – Senior High School, was invited to be the facilitator of this professional session. The session deepens the teachers’ understanding of Science Investigatory Projects, including the purpose, components, and alignment with the Science curriculum. Mr. Crisostomo shared the successful approaches and strategies he has implemented in his classroom. The Science teachers were engaged in mock experiments, data analysis, and presentation. Through this, the Science teachers gain valuable insights, discover innovative ideas, and identify potential challenges to improve their teaching methods. It also strengthens their ability to guide the students through the research process effectively.

The professional session and small group discussion on Science Investigatory Project empowers Science teachers to enhance their pedagogical skills and create a more engaging learning environment for students. This collaborative professional development experience will have a positive impact on students’ scientific inquiry skills, fostering love for science, and nurturing future innovators.

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