Virtual Oath-taking of the New Set of Student Council Officers

Oath Taking and Turn Over Ceremonies of A.Y. 2020-2021

An academic year has passed once again, and the time has come for the graduating batch and outgoing Student Council Officers to pass on the responsibilities to the next batch of seniors and Student Council Officers. However, this year’s school experience was quite different as everything had to be executed virtually. Nevertheless,  PIQCians did not let this hinder their pursuit for their future, and with that, the PIQC Community commemorates the Grade 12 students as well as the outgoing Student Council Officers for their persistence in achieving excellence despite the given circumstances. Thus, last April 16, 2021, the Philippine Institute of Quezon City Student Council organized the annual Oath Taking and Turnover Ceremonies online, which was hosted by the Grade 12 Batch President, Lyra Sophia Tan. 

The even spearheaded with  a prayer led by Martyn Que of Grade 12-ABM, followed by the Opening Remarks delivered by the Grade 12 Teacher-in-Charge, Mr. Lorence Villacrusis. Afterwards, the Student Activities Coordinator, provided an overview of the Student Council Constitution to elaborate on the procedures undergone in deliberating and appointing the newest batch of SC Officers. 

Then, the Candle Lighting Ceremony occurred right after, where the outgoing Student Council Officers “lit” up the candles of the new Student Council Officers, symbolizing the transfer of responsibilities to the next batch of student leaders.

With that, the appointed Student Council Officers for A.Y. 2021-2022 took their oaths of office, which he presided, denoting the start of their term as SC Officers. 

As the Student Council Officers receive the responsibilities of being the new leaders of the PIQC student body, the Seniors, on the other hand, pass on their legacy to the Juniors, as they prepare to exit the gates of their alma mater. This was done by the Batch Spartans turning over the Key of Responsibility and Book of Knowledge to the Batch Titans and Batch Archers. 

Finally, the closing remarks were delivered by the Assistant Principal for Student Activities and Formation, Mrs. Janette Ty.

With the A.Y. 2020-2021 coming to a close, the outgoing SC Officers and the Grade 12 Batch Spartans will always be cherished and acknowledged for their contributions and presence in the Philippine Institute of Quezon City, and the best of luck is wished upon the newest batch of SC Officers, Batch Titans, and Batch Archers to uphold the duties and responsibilities of being a student, a leader, and most of all, a PIQCian.

by Ysabel Calderon, Gr. 12 STEM

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